Our founder, Christina Vinters, literally wrote the book on amicable divorce!


"...Start here! ...This book is a master resource for those who want to consider out-of-court options." - Bill Eddy, family lawyer, mediator, therapist, and international speaker.

"This book clearly guides readers towards an amicable divorce. It's full of insightful tips to help them start out on the right path." - J. Mark Weiss, J.D., Attorney, Mediator, & International Academy of Collaborative Professionals Board Member.

"Wow. What a succinct, informative book." - Karen Bonnell, Co-Parent Coach, Mediator, & Best-Selling Author of the Co-Parenting Handbook


[1] Jerry McHale, Q.C., "What does 'Access to Justice' mean?" February 2, 2016: 


[2] Ibid., citing Roderick Macdonald, “Justice Is a Noun, But Access Isn’t a Verb” in “Expanding Horizons: Rethinking Access to Justice in Canada”, online:


[3] See more at: http://www.westcoastleaf.org/2016/04/14/were-in-ottawa-to-urge-action-on-access-to-justice/#sthash.gUxwb9qi.dpuf

[4] http://www.scc-csc.ca/court-cour/judges-juges/spe-dis/bm-2015-08-14-eng.aspx

[5] Hon. Justice Thomas Cromwell of the Supreme Court of Canada, "Access to justice: towards a collaborative and strategic approach" University of New Brunswick Law Journal (January, 2012), online: http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-302776655.html, cited in http://flsc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/services5.pdf at 1-2

[6] For a whirlwind summary, see the TED-Ed video by Alex Gendler titled "History of Marriage":


[7] Mary Bess Kelly, “Divorce cases in civil court, 2010/2011” Statistics Canada catalogue no. 85-002-X: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/85-002-x/2012001/article/11634-eng.htm

[8] http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/famil02-eng.htm

[9] Bramlett MD and Mosher WD. “Cohabitation, Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage in the United States”. National Center for Health Statistics. Vital Health Stat 23(22): http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/series/sr_23/sr23_022.pdf

[10] http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/marriage_divorce_tables.htm

[11] Mary Bess Kelly, “Divorce cases in civil court, 2010/2011” Statistics Canada catalogue no. 85-002-X:

[12] The “Sweet Revenge” clip from The First Wives Club: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhomGXOMYmc

[13] The movie trailer for The War of the Roses: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098621/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1

[14] Hal Arkowitz and Scott O. Lilienfeld, “Is Divorce Bad for Children?” March 1, 2013:


[15] Bob Livingstone, “How Children Cope with High Conflict Divorce: How are they harmed and what can parents to do help them?” June 2013: http://www.mediate.com/articles/livingstone1.cfm See also Dr. Phil’s video clip “What happens to kids during a bitter divorce?”: http://drphil.com/shows/page/14009_kids_in_divorce/

[16] Joan B. Kelly, “Children’s Adjustment in Conflicted Marriage and Divorce: A Decade Review of Research” (August 2000). J. Am. Acad. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry, Vol. 39 issue 8, 963-964.

[17] See The Child of Divorce’s video “Voice of the Child of Divorce” for a moving explanation of how conflict affects children:

[18] See Dr. Nadine Burke Harris's TED-Med video "How Child Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime":


[19] Nancy J. Cameron, Collaborative Practice: Deepening the Dialogue (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2004), p. 61.

[20] Thomas Kuhn coined the term “paradigm shift” in his 1962 book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. The term refers to a significant change in assumptions and patterns of thought which radically transforms the former way of thinking. He originally applied the term to the natural sciences and it was later applied by others to the social sciences.

[21] Nancy J. Cameron, Ibid., p. 83. See also Dr. Gabor Maté’s video “Parental Stress and Its Impact on Kids” – it’s a bit of a slow interview but worth watching:


[22] Nancy J. Cameron, Ibid., p. 75. See also Dr. Laura Markham’s video “Parenting: Protecting Kids During Divorce”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8u7s8HFDOc

[23] http://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/amicable

[24] Definition: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/amicable

[25] Definition: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/quarrel

[26] Definition: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/amicable

[27] Definition: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/rancor

[28] Jodi Kimmel, Esq. of the Law Firm of Brett Kimmel Law, P.C. www.brettkimmel.com

[29] https://www.justia.com/family/divorce/

[30] Mediation/Arbitration is a bit of an exception.

[31] World-renowned mediator and negotiator, William Ury, has several informative videos on this website: http://www.williamury.com/videos/. “The Power of Listening”, “Going to the Balcony”, “Rotman School: Getting to Yes with Yourself”, and “How to Effectively Persuade” may be particularly helpful.

[32] Mary Bess Kelly, “Divorce cases in civil court, 2010/2011” Statistics Canada catalogue no. 85-002-X: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/85-002-x/2012001/article/11634-eng.htm

[33] See Lisa Nelson’s video “What is Divorce Mediation?”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opRvQiNL2H0

[34] The arbitrator is bound by the rules of natural justice which means that the process must be fair, transparent, and all parties must have an opportunity to be heard.

[35] See LegalYou’s video “Mediation and Arbitration: What You Need to Know” which describes the differences between mediation and arbitration, although it doesn’t describe the hybrid process:


[36] For a brief introduction to collaborative law, see Barbara Gordon on TVO’s The Agenda with Steve Paikin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zS0vnIm5oc. See also Christophe Imhoos’s introductory video “Collaborative Law”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-djk4MSV33Y

[37] Elisabeth Kübler-Ross originally identified the 5 phases of grieving: 1) Denial and isolation. 2) Anger. 3) Bargaining. 4) Depression. 5) Acceptance. The phases are not linear. People can move back and forth between different phases before finally reaching acceptance. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, On Death and Dying, Routledge, 1969.

[38] Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back (1980).

[39] Tim Enoch, “One Degree Off Course”: http://www.irrefutablesuccess.com/2010/04/one-degree-off-course/



Arizona Courts Publication - “Planning for Parenting Time: Arizona’s Guide for Parents Living Apart”: http://www.azcourts.gov/portals/31/parentingtime/ppwguidelines.pdf

Association of Family and Conciliation Courts – “Co-Parenting Communication Guide”: http://www.afccnet.org/Portals/0/PDF/AzAFCC%20Coparenting%20Communication%20Guide.pdf

Divorce Magazine – videos and articles for separated parents: http://www.divorcemag.com/

HelpGuide.org – science-based articles to help you and your children overcome various mental and emotional challenges including separation, co-parenting, step-parenting, blended families, anxiety and more: http://www.helpguide.org/home-pages/family-divorce.htm

KidsHealth.Org – information about how to talk to children about divorce: www.kidshealth.org

Law Now - searchable blog with articles on various family law topics: http://www.lawnow.org/

New Ways 4 Families – books and online courses to teach parents the skills necessary to put their children first by improving their co-parenting skills and jointly making their parenting decisions out of court http://www.newways4families.com/

Our Family Wizard – a somewhat pricey but handy online subscription service which provides shared calendar, date trading function, shared expense log, shared information for kids’ health and school records, and private messaging: https://www.ourfamilywizard.com/

Psych Central Publication: “Reducing the Stress of Divorce” by Jane Collingwood: http://psychcentral.com/lib/reduce-the-stress-of-a-divorce/

Up to Parents - videos, articles, exercises and worksheets for separated parents: http://uptoparents.org


ADR Institute of Canada - sets out benchmarks for best mediation and arbitration practices; arbitrator and mediator rosters; frequently asked questions: www.adric.ca 

Families Change – guides to separation and divorce for kids, teens, and parents; interactive game for kids and teens; online courses for Parenting After Separation and Parenting After Separation – Finances Edition, Parenting After Separation Handbook: http://www.familieschange.ca/

Family Matters TV – over 200 videos of interviews and presentations by family law professionals: http://www.familymatterstv.com/

International Academy of Collaborative Professionals – information about collaborative practice, and collaborative professional roster: https://www.collaborativepractice.com/

Justice Canada – information regarding various family law topics, and many publications including Federal Child Support Guidelines, Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines, Creating a Parenting Plan, and divorce related research articles: http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/index.html

Mediate.Com - information regarding family mediation services, and mediator roster for each state: http://www.mediate.com/family/


Access Pro Bono - appointments for free legal advice: http://accessprobono.ca/

British Columbia Arbitration and Mediation Institute – frequently asked questions; arbitrator and mediator rosters: www.bcami.com

Canadian Bar Association BC Branch Dial-A-Law Service – audio files on various family law topics: http://www.cbabc.org/For-the-Public/Dial-A-Law/Scripts/Family-Law

Collaborative group websites, with information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists:

JP Boyd on Family Law – detailed overview of most family law topics: http://wiki.clicklaw.bc.ca/index.php/JP_Boyd_on_Family_Law

Justice BC – information regarding family law mediation services, family law topics: http://www.justicebc.ca/en/fam/index.html

Legal Services Society – publications and videos on various family law issues and processes, including the Family Law in BC Quick Reference Tool, and Guide to the New BC Family Law Act: http://www.familylaw.lss.bc.ca/

Mediate BC – information regarding mediation, and mediator roster: www.mediatebc.com


Alberta Family Mediation Society – information regarding family law mediation services, and mediator roster: www.afms.ca

Alberta Justice - information regarding family law mediation services, family law topics: http://www.alberta.ca/supports.cfm

Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta – publications regarding various family law topics: http://www.cplea.ca/publications/

Collaborative Divorce Alberta Association - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://collaborativepractice.ca/

Law Society of Alberta – general information about family law http://www.lawsociety.ab.ca/public/legal_education/divorce_separation.aspx


Collaborative Lawyers of Saskatchewan - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.collabsask.com/

Conflict Resolution Saskatchewan – information regarding family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.conflictresolutionsk.ca/

Family Law Saskatchewan – detailed overview of most family law topics: http://familylaw.plea.org/


Collaborative Practice Manitoba - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.collaborativepracticemanitoba.ca/

Family Conciliation Services – information regarding mediation, conciliation counseling, support and education programs for children, teens, and parents: https://www.gov.mb.ca/fs/childfam/family_conciliation.html

Family Mediation Manitoba - information regarding family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.familymediationmanitoba.ca/

Law Society of Manitoba Family Law Access Centre – pilot project to assist middle income family afford legal services: http://www.lawsociety.mb.ca/for-the-public/family-law-access-centre

Manitoba Justice – information regarding various family law topics: https://www.gov.mb.ca/justice/family/law/


Community Legal Education Ontario – fact sheets and publications regarding various family law topics: http://www.cleo.on.ca/en

Law Society of Upper Canada videos regarding custody, child support, spousal support and property division: http://www.lsuc.on.ca/yourlaw/

Ministry of Attorney General – Family Law Section – information about various family topics and resolution processes: https://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/english/

Ontario Association for Family Mediation – information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: https://www.oafm.on.ca/

Ontario Collaborative Law Federation – video and information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.oclf.ca/

What you should know about family law in Ontario: http://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/english/family/familyla.pdf


Educaloi – articles and information about various family law topics and processes: https://www.educaloi.qc.ca/en

Justice Quebec – publications and information about various family law topics and processes for dissolving a civil union: http://www.justice.gouv.qc.ca/english/accueil.asp

Quebec Collaborative Law Group - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://quebeccollaborativelaw.ca/

Association de mediation familiale du Quebec – information regarding family mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.mediationquebec.ca/en/


Family Law NB – comprehensive resource with articles, videos and self-help guides on various family law topics, and information about workshops and resolution processes: http://www.familylawnb.ca/english/

List of Collaborative lawyers in NB: http://www.collaborativedivorce.com/public/lawyer_nb.html

Public Legal Education and Information Service of New Brunswick – articles and self-help guides on various family law topics: http://www.legal-info-legale.nb.ca/en/family_law


Collaborative Family Law Nova Scotia - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists http://www.collaborativefamilylawyers.ca/

Family Law Nova Scotia – information on various family law topics and resolution processes: http://www.nsfamilylaw.ca/


NL Department of Justice – family justice services and information regarding various family law topics: http://www.justice.gov.nl.ca/just/legalassist/familyjustice.html

Public Legal Information Association of NL: frequently asked questions and guide regarding various family law topics: http://publiclegalinfo.com/


Collaborative Practice PEI - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.cppei.ca/

Community Legal Information Association of PEI – large collection of divorce related resources and articles: http://www.cliapei.ca/

Mediation PEI - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.mediationpei.com/


List of Collaborative lawyers in Yukon: http://www.collaborativedivorce.com/public/lawyer_yt.html

Mediation Yukon - information regarding family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://mediationyukon.com/

Yukon Family Law Information Centre – information on various workshops for families after separation: http://www.yukonflic.ca/

Yukon Public Legal Education Association – 100+ page brochure titled “Splitting Up”: http://yplea.com/


Law Society of the Northwest Territories – brochures and manuals on various family law topics: http://www.lawsociety.nt.ca/public/legal-information/

Northwest Territories Justice - Children and Families Section – information on mediation and various family law topics: https://www.justice.gov.nt.ca/en/browse/children-and-families/

List of Collaborative lawyers in NWT: http://www.collaborativedivorce.com/public/lawyer_nwt.html


Legal Services Board of Nunavut - brief summary of family law topics: http://nulas.ca/en/public-legal-education


*Note: Many of these websites have State specific sections.

Academy of Professional Family Mediators - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.apfmnet.org/

DivorceNet – information regarding various family law topics: http://www.divorcenet.com/

HG.Org – U.S. Divorce Law Center – information and articles regarding various family law topics, and resource links for each state: http://www.hg.org/divorce-law-center.html

International Academy of Collaborative Professionals – information about collaborative practice, and collaborative professional roster for each state: https://www.collaborativepractice.com/

Justia – links to family laws, articles and web resources:https://www.justia.com/family/

KeepOutofCourt.Com – information about mediation and collaborative law, mediator roster and collaborative professional roster for each state: http://www.keepoutofcourt.com/

LawHelp.Org – information about various family law topics: http://www.lawhelp.org/

Mediate.Com - information regarding family mediation services, and mediator roster for each state: http://www.mediate.com/family/


Alabama Center for Dispute Resolution – publications about family law topics, and mediator roster: http://www.alabamaadr.org/


Alaska Association of Collaborative Professionals - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://alaskacollaborative.org/

Alaska Family Law Self-Help Video Series - http://aklawselfhelp.org/


Collaborative Divorce Professionals of Arizona - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.collaborativedivorcearizona.com/

Collaborative Law Group of Southern Arizona - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.divorcewisely.com/


Arkansas Legal Services Partnership – general family law information: http://www.arlegalservices.org/selfhelpfamilylaw

Collaborative Family Lawyers of Arkansas - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://collaborativefamilylawyersofarkansas.com/


Collaborative Practice California - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.cpcal.org/

Collaborative Practice San Francisco - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists:http://www.collaborativepracticesanfrancisco.com/

Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Association - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, and coaches: http://www.lacfla.org/

Northern California Mediation Center – information about family law mediation services: http://www.ncmc-mediate.org/

Southern California Mediation Association - information regarding family mediation services, and mediator roster: https://www.scmediation.org/


Colorado Collaborative Divorce Professionals - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.coloradocollaborativedivorceprofessionals.com/

Mediation Association of Colorado - information regarding family mediation services, and mediator roster: http://coloradomediation.org/


Connecticut Council for Non-Adversarial Divorce - information about mediation and collaborative law, mediator roster and collaborative professional roster: http://gooddivorcect.com/


See Delaware section of websites at Online Resources: U.S.A.


Collaborative Family Law Group of Central Florida - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, and coaches: http://cfl-cfl.com/

Collaborative Family Law Institute (serving the Greater Miami Area) - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and mediators: http://collaborativefamlaw.com/

Collaborative Lawyers, Inc. - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.collaborativelawflorida.com/

Florida Academy of Professional Mediators - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.tfapm.org/

Florida Circuit – Civil Mediator Society - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.floridamediators.org/

Sarasota Collaborative Family Law Professionals - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, and coaches: http://sarasotacollaborative.com/

South Palm Beach County Collaborative Law Group - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://choosecollaborative.com/


Collaborative Divorce - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.collaborativepracticega.com/

Collaborative Law Center of Atlanta - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, child specialists, and mediators: http://www.collabatlanta.com/

Collaborative Practice of Savannah - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.collaborativepracticesav.com/

Georgia Academy of Mediators & Arbitrators - information about family law mediation and arbitration services, and mediator and arbitrator rosters: http://www.georgiamediators.org/


Collaborative Divorce Hawaii - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://collaborativedivorcehawaii.org/

Mediation Center of the Pacific - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.mediatehawaii.org/


Collaborative Professionals of North Idaho - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.collabpros.com/

Idaho Mediation Association - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.idahomediation.roundtablelive.org/


Mediation Council of Illinois - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.mediationcouncilofillinois.org/

Collaborative Law Institute of Illinois - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://collablawil.org/


Bloomington Collaborative - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.bloomingtoncollaborative.org/

Central Indiana Association of Collaborative Professionals - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://collaborative-divorce.org/

Indiana Association of Mediators - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.mediation-indiana.org/


Collaborative Lawyers of Eastern Iowa – information regarding collaborative process, and lawyer roster: http://www.collaborateiowa.org/

Iowa Collaborative Divorce - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.iowacollaborativedivorce.com/

Iowa Mediation Service – information about family law mediation services: http://www.iowamediationservice.com/

Mediation Services of Eastern Iowa - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.mediateiowa.org/

Northwest Iowa Collaborative Law Professionals - information regarding collaborative process, and lawyer roster: http://www.nwiacollaborate.org/


Central Kansas Collaborative Family Law - information regarding collaborative process, and lawyer roster: http://www.kscollab.com/

Collaborative Divorce Professionals of Greater Kansas City (serving parts of Kansas and Missouri) - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, and coaches: http://collablawmo.com/

Heartland Mediators Association - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.heartlandmediators.org/


Academy of Northern Kentucky Collaborative Professionals - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, and family specialists: http://nkydivorce.com/

Kentucky Academy of Mediators & Arbitrators - information about family law mediation and arbitration services, and mediator and arbitrator rosters: http://www.kentuckymediators.org/

Kentucky Collaborative Family Network - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, and coaches: http://www.kycollaborativedivorce.com/

Mediation Center of Kentucky – information regarding family law mediation services: http://www.mediationcenterofkentucky.com/


Collaborative Divorce Alliance of Greater New Orleans - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, and family specialists: http://www.collaborativedivorceneworleans.com/

Louisiana Academy of Mediators & Arbitrators - information about family law mediation and arbitration services, and mediator and arbitrator rosters: http://www.louisianamediators.org/


Maine Association of Mediators - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.mainemediators.org/


Collaborative Dispute Resolution Professionals - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://collablawmaryland.org/

Collaborative Divorce Association - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.collaborativedivorcemd.com/

Maryland Collaborative Law Association - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, and coaches: http://www.baltimorecollaborativedivorceprofessionals.com/


Massachusetts Council on Family Mediation - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: https://mcfm.org/

Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: https://massclc.org/


Collaborative Divorce Professionals of Southeast Michigan - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, child specialists, and mediators: http://www.michigancollaborativedivorce.com/

Collaborative Divorce Professionals of West Michigan - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://gentlerdivorce.com/

Collaborative Practice Institute of Michigan - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, child specialists, and mediators: http://www.collaborativepracticemi.org/


Collaborative Law Institute of Minnesota - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, child specialists, and mediators: http://www.collaborativelaw.org/


See Mississippi section of websites at Online Resources: U.S.A.


Association of Missouri Mediators - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.momediators.org/

Collaborative Divorce Professionals of Greater Kansas City (serving parts of Kansas and Missouri) - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, and coaches: http://collablawmo.com/

Collaborative Family Law Association - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, and coaches: http://stlouiscollaborativelaw.com/


Montana Law Help – information about various family law topics: http://www.montanalawhelp.org/

Montana Mediation Association - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://mtmediation.org/


Nebraska Collaborative Divorce - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://collaborativedivorcene.com/

Nebraska Mediation Association - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.nemediation.org/


Family Law Self-Help Center – information about various family law topics: http://www.familylawselfhelpcenter.org/

Nevada County Collaborative Practice Group - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.nevadacountycollaborative.com/


Collaborative Law Alliance of New Hampshire - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, and coaches: http://collaborativelawnh.org/

New Hampshire Conflict Resolution Association - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://nhcra.org/


New Jersey Academy of Mediators & Arbitrators - information about family law mediation and arbitration services, and mediator and arbitrator rosters: http://www.njmediators.org/

New Jersey Association of Professional Mediators - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.njapm.org/

New Jersey Council of Collaborative Practice Groups - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.collaboratenj.org/


Albuquerque Collaborative Divorce Alternatives - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.albuquerquecollaborativedivorcealternatives.com/

New Mexico Collaborative Practice Group - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.nmcollaborativedivorce.org/

New Mexico Mediation Association - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://newmexicomediation.org/


CNY Collaborative Family Law Professionals - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://cnycollaborativepractice.com/

Collaborative Divorce Buffalo - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.divorce-buffalo.com/

Collaborative Law Association of the Rochester Area - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.nycollaborativelaw.com/

Ithaca Area Collaborative Law Professionals - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://collab-law.com/

New York Academy of Mediators & Arbitrators - information about family law mediation and arbitration services, and mediator and arbitrator rosters: http://www.nymediators.org/

New York Association of Collaborative Professionals - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.nycollaborativeprofessionals.org/

New York Peace Institute (serving residents of Manhattan and Brooklyn) – information regarding family law mediation services: http://nypeace.org/

NY State Council on Divorce Mediation - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://nyscdm.org/


Carolina Dispute Settlement Services – information regarding mediation, mediation/arbitration, and collaborative law: http://notrials.iactprogram.com/

Mediation Network of North Carolina - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.mnnc.org/

North Carolina Academy of Superior Court Mediators - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.ncmediators.org/

Collaborative Law Institute of North Carolina - information regarding collaborative process, and roster of collaborative lawyers: http://nccollablawinstitute.org/

Separating Together - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://separatingtogether.com/


North Dakota Collaborative Divorce Group - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.nddivorce.com/


Central Ohio Academy of Collaborative Divorce Professionals - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.winwindivorce.org/

Cincinnati Academy of Collaborative Professionals - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://collaborativelaw.com/

Northeast Ohio Collaborative Professionals - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://abetterwaytodivorce.org/

Ohio Academy of Mediators & Arbitrators - information about family law mediation and arbitration services, and mediator and arbitrator rosters: http://www.ohiomediators.org/

Ohio Mediation Association - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://mediateohio.org/


Oklahoma Academy of Collaborative Professionals - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://yourdivorcechoice.com/


Oregon Association of Collaborative Professionals - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.collaborativepracticeoregon.org/

Oregon Mediation Association - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.omediate.org/


Collaborative Law Association of Southwestern Pennsylvania - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.clasplaw.org/

Collaborative Law Professionals of Southeastern Pennsylvania - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://gocollaborativepa.com/

Collaborative Professionals of Central Pennsylvania - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.collaborativelawpa.com/

Mediation Council of Western Pennsylvania - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.mediationwp.org/

Pennsylvania Collaborative Practice – video, articles and information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.pacollaborativepractice.com/

Pennsylvania Council of Mediators - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.pamediation.org/


Rhode Island Mediators Association - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.rimediators.org/


South Carolina Academy of Mediators & Arbitrators - information about family law mediation and arbitration services, and mediator and arbitrator rosters: http://www.scmediators.org/


See South Dakota section of links at Online Resources: U.S.A.


Middle Tennessee Collaborative Alliance - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.mtcollab.com/

Tennessee Academy of Mediators & Arbitrators - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.tennesseemediators.org/

Tennessee Association of Professional Mediators - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://tennmediators.org/


Austin Collaborative Law - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.austincollaborativelaw.com/

Central Texas Collaborative Family Lawyers - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.centexcollaborativelaw.org/

Collaborative Law Dallas - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://collaborativelawdallas.com/

Collaborative Law Institute of Texas - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: https://www.collablawtexas.com/

Texas Association of Mediators - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.txmediator.org/


Association of Collaborative Professionals of Utah - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.utahacp.org/


Central Vermont Collaborative Law Practice Group - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.centralvermontcollaborativelaw.com/

Chittenden County Collaborative Law Practice Group - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.chittendencountycollaborativelaw.com/


Collaborative Professionals of Northern Virginia - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.cpnova.com/

Virginia Collaborative Professionals - - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: https://www.vacollaborativepractice.com/

Virginia Mediation Network - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.vamediation.org/


Collaborative Professionals of Washington - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.collaborativeprofessionalsofwashington.org/

King County Collaborative Law - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://kingcountycollab.org/

Washington Mediation Association - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://washingtonmediation.org/


D.C. Academy of Collaborative Professionals - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: https://www.collaborativepracticedc.com/


West Virginia Collaborative Practice Group – list of collaborative law professionals http://westvirginiacollaborativepracticegroup.com/


Collaborative Family Law Council of Wisconsin - information regarding collaborative process, and rosters of collaborative lawyers, financial professionals, coaches, and child specialists: http://www.collabdivorce.com/

Wisconsin Association of Mediators - information about family law mediation services, and mediator roster: http://www.wamediators.org/


See Wyoming section of websites at Online Resources: U.S.A.